For sometime now, I have used my time off to read various blogs and take away from them a delicious dish, some beautiful decor, or amazing crafting......well, you get the picture. While I have thoroughly enjoyed these blogs and at times I have made a craft or two and even served a few new dishes, I am by far not one of those perfect women who can do it all.
Most of the time if you were to stop by my house unannounced you will find my son's Nike's sitting in a prime spot for someone to trip over or you might find my husbands papers, sports magazines, etc spread out all around his "Archie Bunker" chair as he calls it. If you are too young to understand that, I apologize, but if you don't get it then I am probably old enough to be your g-ma. If so, this may or may not be the blog for you, but give me a fair shot before hitting that little X in the upper right corner.
So is there a point to all of this rambling, well, actually there is. I figure somewhere out there are women who are like me. Who find themselves stopping and wistfully looking at picture perfect homes and thinking why doesn't my house look like that. About a year ago I realized my house doesn't look like that because I am not a black and white person. I am a colorful person, who appreciates so many different styles. I am the ultimate eclectic.
I love some of the modern decor I see on the Internet, but a day later you may find me flipping through "Traditional Home" with as much yearning as I had for the modern decor the day before. My style is never molded after any one style. I love rustic country styles as much as I appreciate sleek modern looks filled with clean lines and shiny metal.
You won't find a room in my house with white walls. I know the designers suggest keeping your walls neutral and accent with color. That's nice for someone who isn't living in their home, but I live here. When I walk through the door I want to be filled with happiness or calm or whatever I need at that moment. White walls just won't do that for me. Until I decide to sell my home, it will be, my home. Full of color and items that are there because of their sentimental value to me, not their monetary value or their appearance in the latest design articles.
Just so you know I am speaking the truth, here are a few pictures of my living room at Christmas (my favorite room in my house).
I am Mom to 3, Step-Mom to 4, and Nana to 10. I have stories I will share that will leave thinking it was the scene out of a comedy. Along the way I may share a craft, but be fore-warned, my crafts usually are a modified form of another persons idea. Maybe you will find I am your kindred soul mate, maybe no one will even notice, but at least I am putting it out there. If you are at all intrigued come along on my ramble if nothing else it will take you away from whatever may be weighing on you right now.